Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Buying organic... There is increasing concern about the safety of synthetic pesticide residues in food. Many reports site lower pesticides in organically grown produce and a likely lower risk of exposure to drug-resistant bacteria.

Research suggest that buying organic is wise for certain foods, such as beef or strawberries, but it doesn't make much difference for others, like avocados or eggs. They warn against assuming that all organic foods are healthier than non-organic options, or that organic equals healthy. Oganic high-calorie, high-fat granola bars and sugary cereals, for example, are just as bad for you as the non-organic version.

Organic choices are usually pricier, for one thing, so it's important understand the health benefits and weigh them against the increased cost to avoid wasting money. It is important to note that people buy organic foods for what it doesn't have rather than what it does.